Saturday, 15 August 2009

Scored me a Pocket Rocket

(Feb 2009)
... on E-Bay. I'm always nervous with ebay purchases, but looking at this: it's candy apple red - the same as our Tandem Traveler XL; there's a Rolls seat; there's a 62T chainring - one of the few sizes I don't have; so, at the bidding price I was pretty well covered even if it proved to be a set of spare parts only.

Had to wait a few weeks before I had a trip to Sydney to pick it up, but that suited both the buyer and I. So I made the trip down to Sydney with an empty Carlton suitcase. The seller was kind of intrigued by me packing it in the case - he'd bought it a while previously and had never seen it packed! The bike had clearly been unused for some time - the chain was rusted solid, but the rest of it was in good shape.

I enjoyed that cathartic task of completely stripping down, cleaning greasing and rebuilding. I was very impressed with the ride - much stiffer in the stem than either the Tandem Traveler XL or the Tikit, really enjoyable to climb with, it feels really responsive.

It looks quite smart now: I'd had some translucent red brake cable outers that I bought years ago from Kraynick's in Pittsburgh, black tape and trim. Will post some pictures soon.

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